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Mercedes Benz

Mercedes repair is one of the tasks we perform most often as an independent import auto repair. Mercedes designed their vehicles to provide a mix of luxury and performance, a unique feeling that can be understood only by one who drives it! As a high performance vehicle, it needs constant care to keep it in top shape. From routine maintenance (Service A, B, etc), to complex diagnostic and transmission repair, we’ve got you covered. We use the same state of the art diagnostic tools as the dealership, along with original parts so you can rest assured that your Mercedes repair is successful and the vehicle is back to factory specs.
Thinking about the quality of the repair? Check out the 5 Star Reviews and see what other customers say about their repair experience. Manufacturer warranty applies, along with a 12000 miles / 1 year labor.


Have you ever complained about work done that you didn’t authorize or considered unnecessary?
Briskers has the answer to eliminate all the confusion: on any repair that we do, photo documentation is provided.
This unique feature provided for free, not only shows off the quality of our repairs, but also proves the customers that they are not charged for unnecessary  items. It also serves as a proof  in case something was already broken before the repair. You can browse through the Showroom to view different jobs. The list is non exhaustive.

Do you have an older Mercedes in need of repair? We  work on classics, too. This beautiful 1983 Mercedes 380SL was long overdue for brakes, among others. After 30 years, the entire brake system was replaced, along with the wheel bearings and sensors.


In some cases, getting a used, original part is a better option than purchasing a new one. We can always advise and ultimately it’s up to you what parts you want. Used parts are thoroughly inspected, cleaned and parts that are prone to leak are always replaced. Of course, photos are provided, so you can see the repair process in detail.

Call us today at 985-250-0248 or schedule a Service Request and let Briskers take care of your Mercedes repair!